
Map of the African continent

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Below is a brief description of the African continent: Africa is the third largest continent after Asia and the Americas. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the northwest, the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Indian Ocean to the southeast, and the Red Sea to the east.

Explore maps of other continents from this list:

Countries of Africa

Africa comprises 54 countries, which are: Angola, Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Eswatini (Swaziland), South Africa, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Djibouti, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. You can also find this same list in the table below.

Countries of Africa and their Capitals.

Angola​ (República de Angola)Luanda
Argelia (República Argelina Democrática y Popular)Argel
Benín​ (República de Benín)Porto Novo
Botsuana (República de Botsuana)Gaborone
Burkina FasoUagadugú
Burundi (República de Burundi)Gitega
Cabo Verde (República de Cabo Verde)Praia
Camerún​ (República de Camerún)Yaundé
Chad​ (República del Chad)Yamena
Comoras​ (Unión de las Comoras)Moroni
Costa de Marfil​ (República de Costa de Marfil)Yamusukro, Abiyán
Egipto (República Árabe de Egipto)El Cairo
Eritrea (Estado de Eritrea)Asmara
Etiopía​ (República Democrática Federal de Etiopía)Adís Abeba
Gabón (República Gabonesa)Libreville
Gambia​ (República de Gambia)Banjul
Ghana​ (República de Ghana)Acra
Guinea​ (República de Guinea)Conakry
Guinea-Bissau (República de Guinea Bissau)Bissau
Guinea Ecuatorial​ (República de Guinea Ecuatorial)Malabo
Kenia (República de Kenia)Nairobi
Lesoto​ (Reino de Lesotho)Maseru
Liberia (República de Liberia)Monrovia
Libia​ (Estado de Libia)Trípoli
Madagascar​ (República de Madagascar)Antananarivo
Malaui​ (República de Malaui)Lilongüe
Malí (República de Malí)Bamako
Marruecos​ (Reino de Marruecos)Rabat
Mauricio​ (República de Mauricio)Port Louis
Mauritania​ (República Islámica de Mauritania)Nuakchot
Mozambique​ (República de Mozambique)Maputo
Namibia​ (República de Namibia)Windhoek
Níger (República del Níger)Niamey
Nigeria (República Federal de Nigeria)Abuya
República Centroafricana​ (República Centroafricana)Bangui
República del Congo​ (República del Congo)Brazzaville
República Democrática del Congo​ (República Democrática del Congo)Kinshasa
Ruanda (República de Ruanda)Kigali
Sáhara Occidental (República Árabe Saharaui Democrática)El Aaiún (declarada), Bir Lehlu (temporal)
Santo Tomé y Príncipe​ (República Democrática de Santo Tomé y Príncipe)Santo Tomé
Senegal (República del Senegal)Dakar
Seychelles​ (República de Seychelles)Victoria
Sierra Leona (República de Sierra Leona)Freetown
Somalia​ (Somalia)Mogadiscio
Somalilandia (República de Somalilandia)Hargeisa
Suazilandia​ (Reino de Suazilandia)Lobamba (legislativa) Mbabane (administrativa)
Sudáfrica​ (República de Sudáfrica)Pretoria (ejecutiva), Bloemfontein (judicial), Ciudad del Cabo (legislativa)
Sudán​ (República de Sudán)Jartum
Sudán del Sur (República de Sudán del Sur)Yuba
Tanzania​ (República Unida de Tanzania)Dodoma
Togo​ (República Togolesa)Lomé
Túnez (República Tunecina)Túnez
Uganda (República de Uganda)Kampala
Yibuti​ (República de Yibuti)Yibuti
Zambia​ (República de Zambia)Lusaka
Zimbabue​ (República de Zimbabue)Harare
Tabla: Países de África

Maps of Africa

Below, you will find maps of the African continent in various designs. The cultural and geographical diversity of Africa is unique in the world. Its 54 countries span from North Africa, with Morocco, Algeria, and Egypt, to Southern Africa, with South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho. West African countries include Nigeria, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Ghana, while East Africa features Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia. In Central Africa, you’ll find the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, and Cameroon, while Sudan and South Sudan are located in the northeast. Each country has its own history, culture, languages, and traditions. Discover all that the African continent has to offer and fall in love with its diversity!

Mapa del continente africano con nombres
Map of Africa with country names

África sin nombres de países
África para dibujar a color

Outline map of Africa

mapa de África en blanco sin nombres
Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio (Antonee Kiu) is a Systems Analyst with a deep passion for photography and graphic design. His talent for creating striking visual works led him to found Gooova Studio, where, as a writer and founder, he channels his experience and creativity to offer innovative solutions.

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