
Map of Brazil

Explore Brazil’s detailed cartography through our comprehensive catalog, featuring both a detailed political map and a blank version ready for coloring. Immerse yourself in a rich variety of full-color designs available for your selection, all in high resolution for an exceptional visual experience.

Brazil, situated in South America, stands out for its territorial boundaries with nine countries. To the south, it shares borders with Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, while majestically stretching eastward to the Atlantic Ocean. Moving northward, Brazil borders Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. To the west, its territory is contiguous with Peru and Bolivia.

Each image showcases the states that make up the Federative Republic of Brazil, providing a comprehensive and educational insight into the country’s geography. Enjoy our diverse visual representations, ensuring an enriching and captivating experience as you explore the contours and boundaries of this fascinating South American nation.

States of Brazil

Federal entityCapital
Acre (AC)Rio Branco
Alagoas (AL)Maceió
Amapá (AP)Macapá
Amazonas (AM)Manaos
Bahía (BA)Salvador de Bahía
Ceará (CE)Fortaleza
Espírito Santo (ES)Vitória
Goiás (GO)Goiânia
Maranhão (MA)São Luís do Maranhão
Mato Grosso (MT)Cuiabá
Mato Grosso del Sur (MS)Campo Grande
Minas Gerais (MG)Belo Horizonte
Pará (PA)Belém do Pará
Paraíba (PB)João Pessoa
Paraná (PR)Curitiba
Pernambuco (PE)Recife
Piauí (PI)Teresina
Río de Janeiro (RJ)Río de Janeiro
Río Grande del Norte (RN)Natal
Río Grande del Sur (RS)Porto Alegre
Rondônia (RO)Porto Velho
Roraima (RR)Boa Vista
Santa Catarina (SC)Florianópolis
São Paulo (SP)São Paulo
Sergipe (SE)Aracaju
Tocantins (TO)Palmas
Distrito Federal (DF)Brasilia
República Federal de BrasilBrasilia

Political map of Brazil

Mapa político de la Republica Federativa de Brasil
Political map of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Mapa político de Brasil con Estados
Map of Brazil
Mapa de Brasil antiguo sin nombres
Vintage map of Brazil

Outline map of Brazil with States

Brasil en blanco para colorear
Coloring map of Brazil
Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio
Marco Antonio (Antonee Kiu) is a Systems Analyst with a deep passion for photography and graphic design. His talent for creating striking visual works led him to found Gooova Studio, where, as a writer and founder, he channels his experience and creativity to offer innovative solutions.

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